When a Sinner Meets Jesus

Jesus was on his way to Galilee (John 4:3). But he had to pass through Samaria (v. 4). It was not a geographic necessity. Jews often took the long way to Galilee, to avoid passing through Samaria. But it was spiritually necessary for Jesus to pass through Samaria. He had a meeting with a sinner at Jacob’s well. She arrived by herself, having come after the other women were gone. She did not want to encounter the looks and whispers. But while she avoided others, Christ went out of His way to meet her. Jesus still goes out of His way to meet sinners. What happens when a sinner meets Jesus?

1. Jesus offers living water (John 4:7-15)

Jesus asked this woman for a drink of water (v. 7). She was shocked that a Jewish man would dare ask a Samaritan woman for anything (v. 9). But she did not know to Whom she was talking. If she did, she would have asked Him for living water. Jacob’s well could not produce living water. It is only found in Jesus. And the one to whom Jesus gives living water will never thirst again (vv. 13-14).

2. Jesus calls for true worship (John 4:23-26)

When the woman asked for living water (v. 15), Jesus confronted her immoral lifestyle (vv. 16-18). Grace cannot cover sin until it is first exposed. But the woman did not want to talk about her sins. So she shifted the subject to discuss the proper place of worship (vv. 19-20). Jesus explained that the place of worship is not what really matters. God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth (vv. 21-24). With God, the essence of worship is more important than the form.

3. Jesus makes a contagious witness (John 4:28-30)

The knowledge and wisdom of Jesus made her think about the coming Messiah. Jesus announced to her that He Himself was the Christ. This sinner believed Christ. She was so excited to have met the Lord Jesus that she left her water pots at the well! She went into town and told everyone to come see the Man Who knew everything about her (v. 29). Indeed, the redeemed of the Lord should say so (Psalm 107:2).

John intentionally selected what he recorded about Christ to bring the reader to faith in Jesus as the Son of God (John 20:30-31). This story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman affirms the deity of Christ by emphasizing his omniscience. Jesus knows everything known, unknown, and knowable. The Lord knows everything there is to know about you. Yet, in spite of your sins, He loves you enough to meet you right where you are. And He loves you too much to let you stay there! When a sinner meets Jesus, he or she becomes a brand new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).


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