When God says “go” and we say “no,” even if we are motivated by fear instead of rebellion, we are being disobedient. I don’t want to freeze up and disobey God. I know you don’t either. We want to dive into the assignments He has for us, trusting Him to catch us, right?
What if You Stay Silent?
As I’ve wrestled with myself, fear, and the enemy on that figurative diving board I mentioned yesterday, God has made the book of Esther come alive to me. Esther is a young Jewish woman living in Persia when her life is turned upside down—she is chosen as the new queen (Esther 2). If that isn’t head-spinning enough, she learns of a plot to destroy her people, God’s people (Esther 3-4).
Bless Esther’s example to us. She doesn’t waste time. After communicating with her uncle Mordecai, she crafts a plan immediately (Esther 4:15-17). She fasts and prays and recruits others to do the same. And in faith, she acts. She makes a bold move; she requests to see King Ahasuerus.
“Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish” (Esther 4:16).
Couldn’t she have devised 100 excuses? Couldn’t she have written herself off as inadequate and ill-equipped to handle this life-or-death matter? Couldn’t she have stalled until she saw “a sign” that this was for sure God’s plan? Absolutely.
But Esther trusted that her God was writing this story, and though she had no idea what the outcome would be, she acted.
Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:13-14, emphasis added).
The story is God’s; it’s not about us. We see in this passage that God didn’t have to use Esther to save the Jewish people. He could surely save them in another way, via another person or circumstance. (He is God, and His people will not be destroyed!) But Mordecai’s words to Esther are so wise: God orchestrates events for a purpose. And Esther had a chance to move in faith. What if she kept silent?
What if you keep silent? What if I keep silent?
God’s eternal plans do not hinge on you or me. But in His indescribable grace, He calls us to go, serve, and love in Jesus’ name for His awesome glory.
And we want to keep silent? Lord, please let it not be so!
What’s in Your Toolbox?
So we’re standing on the diving board, and we’re praying for faith to follow Esther’s example. Now it’s time to open your toolbox . . . and dive. I know we don’t normally dive off a diving board with a toolbox in hand, so let me explain.
I got smacked with conviction when I read a recent blog post by LYWB.com fellow blogger Erin Davis that perfectly emphasizes what we’re wrestling with. Here’s the paragraph that caught my eye and heart:
God has given you an assignment to make disciples and teach the Word to other women. Your unique gifts are like the tools in your toolbox needed to finish the job. Our gifts are for each other. To keep them locked away in the toolbox until we feel ready or adequate is truly a waste.
To wait until we feel equipped, qualified, or fully ready is exactly what Erin said . . . a waste.
In what ways has God gifted you? In which areas are you talented? Have you been keeping your tools inside the box? Like me, have you collected ideas and plans, but instead of using them, you’ve allowed them to languish on a shelf?
If we stay silent and inactive, we’ll find ourselves in a world of fear-filled disobedience. (Does Jonah’s story ring any bells?) God will continue to reach souls with His saving gospel, but He’s called us to participate (Matthew 28:19-20).
Take the Dive
With this in mind and God’s truth in our hearts, let’s go. Let’s dive. We can’t afford to waste time with the enemy’s fear that whispers of failure and inadequacy. God’s faithfulness shouts over those whispers in victory. His mission is the most glorious thing we could ever take part in—and He’s called us. Isn’t that enough?
What kind of fears have held you back from obeying God in faith? Who’s ready to step up to the edge of the diving board with me?
By Samantha Nieves