I was flipping French toast on the griddle when their arguing began. “You’re not supposed to watch stuff at the table!” Grace told Luke, the youngest.
“But Mama said it was alright this morning!” Luke lashed out in his defense.
“Mom, Luke’s watching something on his D.S. while he’s eating breakfast!” Grace tattled.
I looked up, calculating my response. I glanced back down at the griddle. I had already decided against taking away the D.S. at the table this morning. Luke has become quite fond of the show “America’s Funniest Home Videos” and likes to watch it on his D.S. Normally my kids have to be completely ready for school before I allow entertainment of any kind. But, it was a late start day and Luke already had his stuff laid out for school and we had nearly two hours to kill.
With a firm voice and my most serious face I answered, “Grace, I am in charge of your brother, not you. I have already discussed this with your brother and I have a plan. You don’t need to worry about what your brother is or isn’t doing. That’s my job. I need you to worry about you, ok?”
“Ok”, she answered.
My mind went back to a Facebook conversation I had just had that morning with a friend. I shared with her that our state (Washington) voted on a number of controversial issues. To say these things have weighed heavily on my heart would be a gross understatement.
I know that individuals who support the things the Lord clearly despises are not following His law. I know that. I’ve even told myself that I can’t expect to travel to a foreign land or even another state and immediately be familiar with the laws.
You don’t know what you don’t know.
The activity of kids clearing the table brought my thoughts back to the realities of getting ready for school. I checked the clock. We were in great shape. The child in me wanted to say “See, Grace? Luke is done with his French toast and has more than enough time to get ready and still has time to watch his show.” But I didn’t.
As we finished our morning routine, God showed me the parallels between my conversation with my friend and my kid’s argument. This lesson emerged:
God has a plan for everyone. He’s got it under control. This plan includes judgment. So, just like I told Grace not to be concerned about her brother, God is telling me not to be concerned about the direction society is headed. (This doesn’t mean I am to put my head in the sand, but I need to trust God’s sovereignty and plans.)
This is my part, inspired by the song “Until the Whole World Hears” by Casting Crowns:
"Lord, I want to feel your heart
And see the world through your eyes
I want to be your hands and feet
I want to live a life that leads
Let us shine the light of Jesus in the darkest night
Lord, let your sleeping giant rise
Catch the demons by surprise
Holy nation sanctified
Let this be our battle cry
And I pray that they will see
More of you and less of me
Lord, I want my life to be the song You sing"
I love how God sometimes uses the most ordinary of situations to shake up my thinking. This lesson and the words of this song are now etched on my heart. It is well with my soul.
Has God ever given you a heavenly tap on the shoulder like this?
Is there something weighing you down that you need to release to God?