And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
Galatians 4:6 (ASV)
Beyond all human faith, beyond all earthbound hope, the eternal God of love has reached down to us, and in the ultimate act of sacrifice, purchased us and made us His own. (Kenneth Boa) As I read the above truth, I was reminded of God’s desire for you and me to know the price He was willing to pay for us to be called His child. I’m not sure where you are along your journey of faith, but for me, there are days I need to be reminded I belong to God. Way too often I struggle with what God is doing outwardly and forget that His greatest work is what He has done inwardly. God set His Spirit into our hearts, and when we dig deep within our soul, we’ll discover the cry of our heart is to know we belong to Christ. (John 17:9)
I remember the day my son Scott told me he and Addie had decided to have another child. I was elated. They already had two amazing children, and I was excited to welcome another grandchild. As I was congratulating him, he told me they were adopting. Scott said, We feel very strongly we should give a child the opportunity to be loved by our family and do for him what he could never do for himself. The adoption process was long and complicated. After many months, the call came, and they were chosen to be the parents of a baby boy. I’ll never forget the day we met Crosby. We held him with as much love as possible and passed him around between family members like a treasured prize. I tried to enjoy the moment, but I couldn’t stop staring at the social worker and the clock on the wall. She was sitting at a table with all the adoption papers in front of her and the clock was hanging on the wall next to her. Crosby’s birth mother had until 5:00pm to change her mind about the adoption. My heart pounded out of my chest until the clock read 5:00 pm! The sweetest words I’ve ever heard spoken were, “He is your son!” Crosby is a Bowen! I’m in awe of such love where a mother is willing to give her son what she could never give him—a loving family. Crosby’s birthday is in 2 days. Happy Birthday, Crosby!
As I think of Crosby’s story, I’m reminded of my own story. At the perfect time, Jesus came to earth to give me what I could never give myself. Jesus allowed me to be adopted into the family of God. The night before His crucifixion, Jesus sweated beads of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane where our spiritual adoption hung in the balance. When He died, we are told He entered into the presence of God. I wonder if Jesus told the Father, “The time has been fulfilled- here are Your children.” God sent His Son to give us what we could never give ourselves: unconditional love into the family of God.
My sweet niece and prayer partner Angela sent a prayer she has been praying for Crosby. I want to share some of the words she’s been praying for him with you. I believe this prayer is appropriate for Crosby, for me, and for anyone who struggles with believing the lie we are “less than” or “different than” anyone else or we don’t really belong anywhere or to anyone. I encourage you to pray this prayer if you struggle to believe you belong to God.
A Prayer To Belong
_____________, You are MY child. I’ve adopted you into MY family to be a co-heir with my firstborn Jesus along with all of your adopted brothers and sisters. You are not, and never will be, in any way less than any of my precious children. Know I’ve called you to be adopted into the very special family you belong to now for a divine and specific purpose, to be loved and instructed and learn what family really means. Always remember that I’m the One who qualifies you and I always go before you. I am the One who will always cause you to be blessed and highly favored wherever you go, with whomever you are. Your uniqueness never meant that you don’t belong anywhere or to anyone. I’ve called you to be complete in Me so that you can be confident and understand you belong anywhere or everywhere I may send you BECAUSE YOU ARE MINE! You are being prepared to step into the special calling for which I’ve set you apart. Enjoy and discover Me and the things I’ve deposited in you for My glory. You belong to Me, and I belong to you. Be strong and courageous. I go before you. You will bear much fruit for My kingdom. I am the God who always causes you to triumph, forever.
I trust this prayer will remind you of the worth God has given you, and especially if you struggle with the lie, I don’t belong—I’m different than everyone else—I have no purpose. It’s a lie, and God is laughing at that lie! God considers you so valuable He has put in your heart His Sprit to call Him Abba, Father!
You were created for a purpose: You belong to God!