When the Finish Line Is Just the Beginning

I finished. Even finished a couple weeks early. The goal was May 8th. And I’m done.

I have written before about being challenged by Ron Frost a few years ago to do a Bible Read Thru. Pick a time-frame (something six months or shorter). Read from Genesis thru Revelation. Get together with some friends each week and talk about it.

Rather than just share what I saw or learned about God this time through, what I find myself thinking about more is the lessons I have learned about completing any valuable goal.

Lesson 1: You know it was valuable when there is sadness about nearing the end. One of the women in our group came last week and said, I have to say there is some sadness about finishing. I want to stretch it out and make it last. I couldn’t agree more. The reading. The conversations. The insights from others. The camaraderie. The coffee (wink). All of it. We know that stretching it out to a year would have taken something away from the value. And yet, there is still a piece of me that is bummed these six people won’t be getting together every Tuesday morning.

Lesson 2: You know it was valuable when finishing gives you more ideas. This Bible Read Thru has fostered many ideas – both personally and professionally. I have ideas about ways to improve discussion in small groups. I have book ideas, blog ideas, and video ideas. I have ideas about what I believe God wants me to remember long-term from this particular read thru. I have ideas about the people I want to invite to do the 2013 Bible Read Thru next January – April. (Look out… it might be you.)

Lesson 3: You know it was valuable when you see finishing as a starting point. I might be finished, but I’m not done. This read thru made me want to read more the very next morning after I finished. Yes… sometimes a break after completing a big project or accomplishing a goal is good and necessary. For me, this time, I couldn’t wait to jump back in. I am not doing the same thing. But I am continuing. Completing this read thru fostered a growing love for God and His Word. It made me want to be in conversation with Him… and others. It made me want to see what He has for me next.

Now that’s valuable.

When have you seen a finish line as just the beginning?

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