It was a November Sunday morning two years ago that a fellow church member got a call alerting him to smoke coming from his house. After an investigation and call to the fire department, we were able to rejoice with him that nothing was lost. Who has an electrical fire in the attic and doesn’t lose a thing?
I couldn’t help but think back to three years earlier, almost to the day, when different friends of mine experienced an attic fire. We helplessly watched with them as their beautiful home burned to the ground, and we were able to rejoice with them that no one was lost.
Same scenario, two completely different outcomes. And yet we can know that God is good.
Why did the one lose nothing, but the other lost everything?
Nearly twenty-seven years ago, my parents rejoiced in the birth of their first son but quickly discovered something was desperately wrong. Ten days later, their sweet son had a new heart, safe in the arms of Jesus.
Fast forward one year to the day, and a daughter is born to them, healthy and breathing easy. And they rejoiced in this gift.
Same scenario, two completely different outcomes. And God is good.
Why was my brother only given ten days here, and I have had 9,480 and counting?
God is beyond our understanding. He is His own counselor; He does what He pleases, and He is good. We cannot always understand the whys in any given situation, but we can know the who. Because of this, the Bible reminds us we can always, always, always give thanks.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever (Ps. 136:1).
Today, I’m grateful for a home—a home with my family on earth and a future home with my Savior in heaven.
Today, I’m grateful for life—life with my family on earth and a future life in heaven with all of God’s family.
Today, I give thanks to God for being who He is—sovereign, merciful, holy, just, kind, good, and . . . mysterious.
How about you? Will you give thanks to God for His goodness, even when He is beyond your understanding?
Written by Leanna Shepard