When You Doubt You’re a Good Parent

What a day. I put on a good mommy face while volunteering at my kids' school all day, then rushed home to get the kids started on their homework. Between answering questions about the Civil War (thanks, Siri), and helping with word problems (calculator), where was the baby?

Oh, she’s in the bathroom putting every bit of toilet paper we have into the toilet that I haven’t had time to clean this week. Great.

I put my head down and started praying for God to give me the strength I needed to be a good mother to these kids of His. Just then, my 7-year-old slammed a box she had been trying to maneuver back into the cabinet on to the floor and shouted angrily at the “stupid box.” I sat down to explain that we don't throw things when we are angry.

“I’ve seen you do it before,” she said. Great. Scratch "good role model" off the list of everything I want my kids to see me as.

I went into my bedroom and prayed  “I can’t do it Lord. What if they grow up and hate me? Or, what if they grow up and hate You? Lord, I can never be all that they need.”  

In that moment, I felt God whisper to me, “You are not everything they need. You will never be everything they need. They need a Savior. You are their mom, and I am their God. I will help you.”  

God is constantly teaching me to trust Him with my kids, even when I doubt myself. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Every parent has had that moment where we wondered if we would make it through. Maybe it was a particularly difficult day, long car ride, or tough transition.  

In Psalm 73:26, God reminds us that even on the days when we have nothing left to give, he does. “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is my strength and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26).

5 Truths To Help Us Deal With Doubt As Parents

1. Jesus chose you.  

Jesus entrusted you with His most prized possession — His children. He created and designed your family, and He will equip you to handle each child and each situation.

2. You are not perfect, and neither are your kids.  

You are going to mess up, and so are they. Seek forgiveness from God and from your kids. This is a great way to teach your kids that we all struggle, and we all need Jesus.

3. It’s not all on you.   

Jesus loves your children more than you do, and He wants what is best for them. He will work through you to bring your children to Him.

4. Reading the Bible 10 minutes a day can change the rest of your days.  

Read the Bible daily, and let God’s words draw you closer to Him. As we become closer to Jesus, He will change us and make us more like Him. The more we become like Jesus, the better parents we will be.

5. Prayer is powerful. Do it daily.

Pray for help as a parent and help for your children. Ask God to erase the doubt that constantly creeps into your mind and trust that He equips you for the task. Not sure where to get started? Try this if you have sons or this if you have daughters.

Doubt can cripple us as parents, but God’s truth can overcome our doubts.  He will help you as you, with every breath, point them to Jesus.

By Anna Collins



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