You wake up and just know it’s going to be one of those days.
At work, the project doesn’t seem to be moving like it should, and you can’t quite figure out why. You’ve been on that new diet for months, but can’t lose those last five pounds. You’ve been trying to use that gym membership you bought, but lately your schedule has been crazy.
You were “almost” out of debt then the car broke down, you needed new tires, and the kid’s tuition was due. Things have been so bad even the dog, your best friend, looks at you catawampus and won’t come near you.
Deep down you know it; no one has to tell you. You’ve hit the” wall,” that place where your efforts don’t pay off. You feel like the world is picking on you; everything and everyone seem to be waiting in line for their turn. In your mind you hear Rod Sterling telling you that you have entered the “Twilight Zone.”
I think that at some point in our lives, we have all felt this way. You want to throw your hands up and say “I surrender.” If you haven’t, just wait; it’s coming. You feel like your world is falling apart and you can’t control it. Guess what? You can’t.
But, you can find comfort in the words of the song “Just Be Held” by Casting Crowns. The song proclaims:
“So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
You're not alone, stop holding on, and just be held
Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
I'm on the throne, stop holding on, and just be held
Just be held. Just be held.”
Be Still and Know
Why is it so difficult to “just be held?” Perhaps, it’s because we live in a culture that tells us to fight, not to give in. Our culture tells us we’re supposed to fight, and we’re supposed to win. We’re expected to keep a stiff upper lip, weather the storm, and as leaders, we’re supposed to have “the answers.” So what are we supposed to do? Surrender? No.
Proverbs 3:5 tells us, “Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. “
There are times, despite our abilities, when we just have to turn it over to someone else. These are the times that we can fall back on God’s promise. His unwavering commitment, and love, for you. All you have to do is ask, get out of the way, and turn it over. Remember that He said,
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
It kind of sounds like, “stop holding on, and just be held.” Before we get too happy, this doesn’t mean that God is going to show up and complete your project or take your final exam. You see, sometimes we are our own worst enemy. The desire and drive to achieve gets in the way of our ability to ask for help.
Perhaps it’s our ego or pride. Maybe we’re afraid to show our vulnerability. Maybe we don’t want to appear weak, or maybe we’re just too stubborn to admit it’s beyond our ability. The truth is sometimes; we just have to “get out of the way.”
God at Work
Being still doesn’t means that you’re inactive, nor does it mean that God is not at work. In fact, God does amazing things when you’re still. These are just a few:
- He puts space between you and the problem. Sometimes we are so close to the problem we can’t see the solution; hence, the adage “can’t see the forest for the trees.” Putting space between us and the problem not only allows us to decompress, but also to take in the larger picture.
- He gives you new perspective. Sometimes when you’re still, you see the problem differently when you come back to it. God created our minds to be creative; it’s in our DNA. We can’t help it. If you need proof, try this – especially, if you have children. Lay on the ground, and stare at the clouds. I bet before long, shapes will start to appear.
- He allows you to focus on the relationship instead or the problem or the person. Not thinking about the problem actually allows our minds to look for and develop alternative solutions. This is one reason it is a good practice not to push the “Send” button on that email when you’re upset. Rather, save it to “Draft” and come back to it later. Chances are, you’ll revise it.
- He helps you see that you don’t have to solve the problem.
- He brings the solution to you. How many times have you struggled looking for a solution to a problem and found yourself talking to someone – a friend, spouse or co-worker on a totally unrelated topic? All of a sudden, something is said or you see something and – boom! Problem solved! You didn’t really think that was you, or did you?
Being still actually requires a great deal of discipline, and a great deal of faith. It also requires that we turn to God and ask for help.
But when you open the door to let Him in, don’t block the doorway. Get out of the way!
Prayer: Father, help me to see beyond. Help me not to rely on my own understanding but to seek Yours. Teach me to be still, and help me recognize that You are working Your plan for my good and for Your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Written by: Gilbert Camacho