When You Stop Learning, You Stop Leading

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).

I believe it was John Maxwell who once said “When you stop learning, you stop leading." I take advantage of as many opportunities as I can not only attending live lectures and workshops but participating in conference calls and webinars whenever possible. I wanted to share some of the insights gained from a variety of speakers I encountered during a recent Leadership and Influence Summit. Some of the names I did not know prior to the event but the messages resonated with me.

Mark Sanborn stated leadership was positive influence, nothing more nothing less. We are the author of our own story, but leaders must ask the question “Is your story better because of me?” He encouraged participants to pay attention to the stories of those around them and keep influencing someone’s story.

David McNally also spoke of influence, which he described as the ability to shape and mold the abilities of others. He suggested leaders are defined by their followers and the leader should have the courage to ask “why would someone want to follow me?” McNally provided his opinion of what differentiated or distinguished great leaders:

  • Standards set as a leader
  • Leadership style based on character
  • Versatility
  • A sense of purpose
  • Vision
  • Value system

Finally he suggested a leader must ask the question: “How am I going to show up every day?”

Written by Tricia Krohmer

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