Which Master Are You Serving?

Luke 16:13, NLT: No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Jesus says it comes down to two choices: God or Money. That word, serve, actually means "to be a slave to." Now, in a culture based on personal freedom and rights, we don’t like that word slavery. We say, “I’m not a slave to anything!” But Jesus says all people ultimately serve someone or something. In fact, all of us are living in that choice right now. And the way to tell what choice you’ve made is to look at which master you are devoted to.

God says, "It’s all mine." Money says, "It’s all yours." God says that it’s better to give than to receive. Money says that giving is for the gullible. God says, "I will provide." Money says, "There are no free rides." God says, "Honor me with your wealth." Money says, "Honor yourself with your wealth." God says, "I am the key to satisfaction." Money says,"More is the key the satisfaction." God says that the goal of life is to love God and to love people. Money says that he who dies with the most power, the most influence and the most stuff, wins. God says, "Be holy." Money says, "Be comfortable."

In all of these statements, which does your life conform to? Which master are you listening to and serving? Money is an incredible tool, but a horrible master. When you are trustworthy with little, God can trust you with much.

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