Who Am I? - Part 3

Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said: "Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? 2 Samuel 7:18 NIV

At this point in David’s life, as he is asking God “Who am I?” he has changed the meaning of the question. Previously, as he asked God the question, he was pondering the fact that God would call him to a position of leadership--that God would use him. This time, when David asks God “Who am I?” he is asking because he can’t believe how much God has blessed him.

Have you ever stopped to ask God that question? I realize that those types of examinations of heart usually occur after some great event in our life--after a child is born or someone is healed of cancer--something like that. But what about during the normal course of life? Can you believe that God would bless you in such a way?

Are you breathing? Did you have to think about it or did your lungs just start working this morning? What about the food you’ve had recently? Sure, you worked hard for it, but what if God had decided to put us here with nothing to eat? Have you thought about the perfect distance God has placed the Sun from the Earth? If it had been any farther, then we would freeze. Any closer, we would burn.

David was in a reflective mode when he prayed today’s prayer. Would you do me a favor? Would you get into a reflective mode for just a moment? Think about the ways God has blessed you. Consider the work of God in your life and in the life of your family. Then ask yourself, as David did, “Who am I, Lord?”

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