Who Do You Say that He Is?

One of the most interesting places in Israel is Caesarea Philippi. Philip, the son of Herod the Great, built this city on the southern slope of Mt.Hermon near the headwaters of the Jordan River. I think this is a significant fact. Let me explain.

Jesus visited this city along with his disciples. At this stage of Jesus’ ministry people were extremely curious about his identity. His miracles and teachings had everyone talking. “Who is this man?” they wondered. So Jesus asked his disciples what people were saying about the “Son of Man.”

Then Jesus asked them, “Who do you say that I am?”

I think this is the most compelling question ever asked. It takes us right to the heart and soul of Christianity, Jesus Christ himself. He is the source of life and faith.

Peter stood and answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” This new life of faith we have in Christ begins here.

Now, most of us think of this question in terms of apologetics, defending the faith. The question, however, is much broader in scope. The answer has continuing effects in our day-to-day lives.

“Who do you say that I am?” is not a question to be asked and answered merely once in a lifetime. We should circle back to it time and time again.

Our faith, to have value and substance, must be tied to an object. Without an object, faith is a meaningless word. For Christians, the object of our faith is Jesus Christ Himself. As our knowledge of Christ grows, our faith in Him expands within our souls.

This faith is a dynamic word that is lived out in trials and tribulations. Yet, sometimes in the trials of life, we carry on as if we had never come to terms with the truth of Jesus’ identity. However, it is in those times, we need to come back to this most significant question: Who do I say that He is?

Jesus is God and he is living in you. What does that mean? As God, he is fully capable of working the situation you are in right now for your good.

Do you need hope? Jesus is the source.

Do you need wisdom? Jesus is your wisdom.

Do you want peace today? Jesus is the answer.

What about you? Who do you say that Jesus is right now?

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