Who Holds You Together?

The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, is made of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh at least 4,000 pounds. Some blocks weigh between 60,000 to 100,000 pounds.

No one knows how the stones got to that place or how builders managed to lift them up to create the pyramid. Also, no one knows how those stones are held together. Even today, with all that we know of science and technology, no one can figure out where the mortar came from. Scientists have analyzed it, and they even know its chemical composition—what things make it up. Still, they can’t reproduce it. And the thing is, the mortar is even stronger than stone. It hasn’t deteriorated over the past four thousand years.

When it comes to the world, science and technology have allowed us to learn about atoms and creatures at the bottom of the sea. Yet there’s still so much we don’t know. What we do know, though, is who made it and how it sticks together: [God] created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Whether they are kings or lords, rulers or powerseverything has been created through him and for him. He existed before everything and holds everything together” (Colossians 1:16,17).

Everything you see in this universe and even everything you can’t see was created by the Master Builder for his glory. Once he made it, he decided how it would all fit. Your God is the mortar—the One who holds everything together.

Dear God, everything would fall apart if it weren’t for you. Your goodness, your blessing, and your power keep the world going. When I get scared and confused because this world is terrifying, help me trust in you as my strong mortar. Amen.

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