Who Is Your Child?

Isaiah 49:16
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.

Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

Well, the first step on an adoption journey is simply the decision to pray for God’s direction. So take a moment to get yourself in a position to be vulnerable. Get ready to listen to God’s leading on a possible next step.

This critical next step is identifying WHO God is preparing to be your child. While loving and creating a family through adoption is similar to a biological birth in some aspects, it also has some key differences. With an adoption, you get information, forms, and choices - and, if you are a bleeding heart like me, you will be ready and completely willing to take on a sickly, green flamingo if you can dress it up and teach it to say, “Mama!” But really, can you handle that bird?

This is the point in my story when God leveled me. These children that are the heart and the face of each waiting reality are His children. My child to be is His Child. He loves these children like He loves you and me. And He wants the very best for them...and that best COULD BE YOU!

As I prayed to figure out who my child was, I have to confess, my own life didn’t sing of overcoming, surrendering, or bringing God glory. It was simply the cry of my heart to find my child, just like every waiting child desires to be a part of a forever family.

So be bold, be prayerful, and be ready to follow God’s path for your family. When you are open and humble, you will find that God is ready and wanting to give you abundantly more than you can ask for or imagine.

You are searching for your particular child. Wherever you are and however you feel right now, know that God gives graciously and generously. He may move you from your place of comfort, but He will give you everything you need to handle it. God’s got this - you can count on it.



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