Whose Are You?


Father of light, I am coming to Your Word because I want to know You. Transform me as I open my heart to You.


Matthew 26:17-30


Do we hide from ourselves as Judas did? In what ways?

Yesterday's betrayal does not take Jesus by surprise. As the passage draws to a climax with the Last Supper, Jesus warns that one of the twelve will betray him (21). To this implicit challenge Judas responds with a bare-faced lie: "Surely you don't mean me, Rabbi?" (25). He has already sold his friend for money, and now he follows betrayal with deception.

Jesus, in full view of this darkness, picks up the bread, breaks it and gives it to the disciples. The breaking of Jesus' body and the pouring out of his blood symbolized in this Last Supper is going to happen in full view of his enemies.

As Jesus pours out the wine he announces the "new covenant" and "the forgiveness of sins" (28) and, as if to remind us of how much we all need this forgiveness and how dark and broken the world is, Judas is right there with them all.


Write a letter to the Lord about the significance of what he's done. Thank him specifically for what the cross means to you.


Humble King, I will never cease to be amazed at what You have done for me. Thank You for forgiveness and new life!

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