Have you ever asked God why? It’s a natural response when our lives aren’t playing out the way we had hoped. We somehow feel that if we knew the reason why, it might make our disappointments easier to swallow.
If you’ve ever asked God why, you’re in good company. Take a look at just a few of the heroes of faith who, when faced with adversity, asked God why:
- Moses: “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me? Numbers 11:11
- Job: “Why have you made me your target?” Job 7:20
- David: “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?” Psalm 42:9
While we have Biblical proof of these men asking God why, there are many others in the Bible who had good cause to ask Him why. You too may have good reason to ask why. Even Jesus wasn’t exempt from trouble or the question why. We see this in His famous cry on the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
The truth is you and I may never know the reason why God allows us to experience the disappointments we face. Sure, there are the standard answers that tell us we are experiencing the results of living in a fallen world or that we are experiencing the results of our own sin. While these may be true they don’t make us feel any better about our life’s disappointments.
In my recent battle with throat cancer I could have ask God why. Why did He call me to speak and teach for Him and then allow the enemy to attack my throat? Why am I still struggling with lasting ailments from this disease?
Asking why may be our natural response to life’s disappointments, but it’s doubtful that knowing why would help us. There are however other questions we could ask that would produce a better outlook on what we face.
Below are 4 better questions to ask:
- What is this experience teaching me?
- How can I give God glory in and through this difficulty?
- Where am I seeing God work as a result of what I’m going through?
- Who needs to be encouraged with the wisdom I am gaining through this difficult season?
We all wish we could have a problem free life, but unfortunately none of us will. So the next time you face a situation that leaves you wondering why, I encourage you to change your line of questioning so that your questions will produce a positive result. Don’t waste your pain; instead use it to strengthen yourself and others.