Why Am I So Crazy for Boys?

Have you ever thought about why we girls sometimes do such crazy things for boys? We’ll go to great lengths to get their attention and compromise so many ideals to keep their attention. I’ve been thinking about why we do these things.

I think that deep inside a girl’s heart there’s an almost insatiable hunger to be desired, to be chosen. We yearn for someone to look at us and say, “You are more wonderful, more beautiful than all the other women in the world. No one else compares to you. I want you and you only.”

Simply put, we want to be loved. And being loved is a good thing! God made us to love and be loved.

Our problem is we take a good thing and make it the most important thing. Our hearts do this all the time, don’t they? Our longings can either drive us toward our God who loves us and gave Himself up for us, or they can drive us to try to satisfy those longings with things that will exploit us and leave us empty.

So often I have opened the front door of my heart and invited pain to come in and make itself a cup of tea. I’m so prone to put my hope in the things of this world. Aren’t you?

Figuring Out What Fuels You

I’ve learned that being someone’s girlfriend, even being someone’s wife, will not complete you. Expecting a guy’s love to meet the deepest longings of your heart would be like putting water in your car’s gas tank and expecting the car to run. Your soul was not designed to be fueled by human love. Only the love of God can fill the vastness of your soul.

You were made for so much more than this world has to offer. You were made to belong to God Himself, to have fellowship with Him, to walk with Him, to know Him, and to be loved by Him.

Do you believe that? Would you ask God to help you believe it? Why does it matter what you believe? Because as long as we believe that the attention and affection of a guy can give us what we need, we’ll be vulnerable not only to heartbreak but to the suffering sin brings.

I feel like a mama hen right now who wishes she could gather every single one of you under her wings and protect you from the harms of this world. I can’t do that, but I hope you’ll hear me pointing you to Jesus, begging you to trust Him until you know these things for yourselves. Would you trust Him enough to love your heart to wholeness? Would you take a chance on Him that His love for you just might be enough for you, even if it doesn’t feel like it could be?

A Big “What If?”

What if—just what if—His crazy promises of love to you are true? What if the sweet Savior, the almighty Redeemer, the Creator and Author of all things set His affection on you? Chose you? What if your heart became desperate for Him instead of that guy you’ve been crushing on?

Today instead of instructions for you to follow, I have a blessing for you to consider:

“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ” (2 Thess. 3:5).

  • Have you tried to satisfy your heart with the things of this world and ended up heartbroken?
  • If you had chosen the steadfast love of Christ, how would your story have been different?
  • How has the love of God made a difference in your life?

Written by Jennifer Case Cortez

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