Why Do I Wear What I Wear?

Summer hits and clothing disappears. How can we stay covered up in an immodest and naked culture? Almost every girl pulls out her skintight, barely-cover-the-booty shorts and tiny tank tops for the summer days. That all seems minor compared to the itsy-bitsy bikinis the girls pull out to swim in. Why do we want to wear clothes that barely cover our most sacred and intimate body parts? What is our goal in wearing such limited clothing? With an open mind and honest heart, let's answer a few questions before the summer days are over.

  • Why do I want to wear a bikini?
  • Why do I want to wear short shorts?
  • Why do I want to wear tank tops that reveal my cleavage?
  • Is it okay to wear a bathing suit that reveals my stomach, thighs, and chest just because I'm in the water?
  • Do I tempt guys to look upon by body lustfully with the bathing suit I wear?
  • Is my goal to honor the Lord and bring glory to Him even when I choose my summer clothes/swimwear?
  • Am I willing to stand out and make a difference with my summer clothes/swimwear?
  • Is God glorified by the clothes and bathing suits I wear?

Answering questions like the ones above may be tough and even convicting. I am a young woman living in the same generation and culture you are. It's not the world that is pressuring and encouraging us to wear that sort of clothing; it's the women and girls within our own churches and Christian circles. We can't let them set the standards for us. We must search the Bible and choose to honor God above all else.

I would encourage you to evaluate your summer wardrobe and honestly ask yourself what would bring glory to God. Ask your dad or brothers if the outfits you are choosing cover you up enough and help prevent men from lusting after your body.

Don't cheapen yourself by wearing minimal clothing. Set your price tag up by covering up and not giving any man the pleasure of seeing so much of you. If you cover up now, Lord willing one day you will have a husband who has the privilege of enjoying those sacred areas for himself alone. Knowing you preserved and saved yourself for his eyes alone will be a wonderful gift to give him!

  This post was written by Bethany Baird.

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