Why Do Some People Die Young?

Q: Why do some people die young?

A: Dying young isn’t God’s will. We know that. An untimely death is never God’s will. We are told repeatedly throughout the Bible that His plan, will and desire is for His children to live long, prosperous, healthy, blessed lives.

If you know someone who has died young, begin your pursuit of an answer to “why?” with confidence in God's absolute love and the truth of God’s Word.

Trust God to receive the truth in that situation and for the tactics and schemes of Satan to be exposed based on Mark 4:22, “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.” Psalm 119:130 says, “The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand.” This means as we meditate on and speak aloud the promises of God, His Word will enlighten us (Proverbs 20:27) concerning life’s situations, and it will bring out into the open the hidden things.

Tragedies such as this are a direct attack of Satan whose total focus is to steal, kill and destroy any way he can (John 10:10). If the enemy can succeed in getting us to wonder about and question the love of God, we play right into his plan to discourage, defeat and torment. Don’t let this situation rob you of what you know about God’s love and His faithfulness to His Word. Don’t give Satan the slightest opportunity to use any situation to choke the Word of God which has been planted in your heart (Mark 4:19).

The devil would love for you to keep wondering and living in discouragement or defeat through the bondage of guilt and grief. Don’t let him. Instead, allow God to keep you in perfect peace as your mind is stayed (or fixed) on Him (Isaiah 26:3). As you wait upon the Lord through the Word and in prayer, He will renew your strength—spirit, soul and body (Isaiah 40:31). And out of the rich treasury of His glory, you will be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power by the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 3:16, The Amplified Bible).

Here are some scriptures that will help minister God’s promises of comfort to you, your relatives and your friends: Isaiah 61:1-3; Psalm 23:4; Psalm 71:21, 24 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

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