Why It’s Impossible to "Make Peace with God"

Have you made your peace with God? It’s a popular phrase. It’s included in movies, uttered on death beds, and talked about in philosophical conversations. But it’s impossible. You can’t make peace with God.

Our sin has incurred a debt we cannot pay. We have offended the Creator and sovereign King of the universe. He gave us paradise and we ruined it. He gave us His law and we smashed it. He asked for our allegiance and we selfishly decided to worship everything except Him. And the most insurmountable problem of all is that this offended God is holy and just and therefore must hold us responsible for our crimes.

There is no making peace with Him. But…

He doesn’t leave us without hope. He gave us His Word, which says, “HE made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.” (Colossians 1:20 NLT)

We couldn’t pay our sin debt, so He allowed Jesus to pay it for us. We couldn’t possibly perfect ourselves, so the perfect Jesus became our life and our sacrifice. We couldn’t find Him, so He sought us out. We couldn’t initiate a plan of salvation, so He did it Himself.

You may not like the idea that God required a sacrifice and that His Son willingly stepped into that role for you. It may seem brutal and unfair. His justice may seem cold. But it was all motivated by His deep, deep love for you and for His creation.

You can’t make peace with God. But God, by the blood of His Son, has offered to make peace with you. Have you accepted His offer yet?

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