When you think of people “going green,” the first image that comes to mind might be of tree-hugging hippies who disdain traditional deodorant and picket the destruction of the yellow-bellied sapsucker’s habitat. And don’t even get started on Whole Foods…
Of course, most of us agree that being environmentally conscious is a good thing, like flossing your teeth twice a day or eating kale. But it can seem overwhelming (like flossing your teeth twice a day and eating kale…).
Environmentalism has certainly gotten a lot of attention lately. But environmental consciousness is more than a trend. It is a God-given duty and Christians ought to be leading the charge, not lagging behind.
Genesis 1:26-28 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’”
God created the earth and all that is in it, and we ought to treat it with due respect.
It might not be feasible for everyone to ditch our cars, grow all our own food, or switch to solar power, but we can all take steps toward becoming more environmentally conscious.
Here are five easy ways to be a better manager of God’s magnificent creation:
- There is no reason to throw away paper, cans, or bottles when they can be reused. Many services even offer to pick up recyclables right from your curb.
- Use your own shopping bags. Keep reusable grocery bags in your trunk so you’re prepared for even unplanned trips to the grocery store.
- Switch to a refillable water bottle. Not only will this cut down on unnecessary waste, but it will also slash the expense of buying bottled water.
- Compost. Separating out organic waste (apple cores, coffee grounds etc.) is a great way to minimize garbage. And it makes a great fertilizer for your yard or garden.
- Before throwing something in a landfill, consider ways to repurpose it. Pinterest is full of DIY project ideas that can give a new life to anything from an old sweatshirt to a coke bottle.
We honor God by tending to our own bodies and by caring for other people. Likewise, showing respect for the world He created is just one more way we can glorify our Creator.
By Carrie Blackaby