Q: I’m ordinary. Why would God use me?
A: God’s dream for mankind has always been to dwell inside of each and every person. When we accept Jesus’ mighty work on our behalf, the Spirit of God comes in and takes up residence in each of us. Our part is to be willing to receive the Holy Spirit and not back down from God’s presence in our lives.
God's dream has become a reality! He no longer dwells inside a single, dark sanctuary. He doesn’t have to live in the center of an Old Testament temple. He lives within and among His people. He reveals Himself to them and through them in power and glory. He has mobile temples (ministry centers) all over the earth.
Each “ordinary” person has equal opportunity to be used by God to minister to the people He brings into our lives.
Do you realize who and what you are?
You are a "habitation of God" (Ephesians 2:22). You are "the temple of the Holy Ghost" (1 Corinthians 6:19). God has put within each member of His Church body the same Spirit and glory that once indwelt the Ark of the Covenant, the same divine Presence that met with the high priest of Israel at the mercy seat.
What does God want to do now that He's living inside us? The same thing He did through Jesus and the first apostles. He wants to show Himself to people through us. He wants to do good to everyone. He wants to heal the sick through our hands. He wants to speak His Word through our mouths. He wants to love people through our hearts and actions. In other words, He wants us to let Him be God in the earth.
We must fully realize the high privilege we've been given! We must grasp the fact that God's own life is in us and we can give it to anyone who will receive it; that wherever we go, God goes too—in all His miracle-working power.
That's part of His dream! He doesn't just want to take up residence inside His people, He wants us to let Him be demonstrated and brought into this natural realm of sight and sound … wherever we are, whatever we are doing for Him.