In my last post, I talked about how we can lose our Jesus, as well as some clues on how to find Him again. That was an important topic, but we can’t leave this idea without talking about the “why.” Too many of the men I’ve mentored . . . too many of the baptism videos at church have a story that goes: “I was saved . . . I was involved in church, but then . . . fill in the blank.” “I got involved with the wrong crowd.” “I started drinking more.” “I got into porn.” “I met this woman.” Truth is . . . they lost their Jesus. Assuming these people were truly “saved,” meaning they’d entered into an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ, they lost their Jesus somewhere along the way. By conscious intentional sin or thoughtless neglect of their Savior and His Word, they ended up feeling and acting Godless. That could be you. That could be me. It can happen to anyone.
When you realize you’ve lost your Jesus, turn around quick. Like now. The further you go from the place you left Him, the harder it’s going to be to get Him back. And we men hate to go back. We’d rather go 10 miles further than backtrack for one. That’s a mistake. As soon as you realize He’s missing, turn all your attention toward finding Him. Some of you reading this post have lost your Jesus . . . make it your No. 1 priority to find Him. Make it your passion, make it the point of your prayers. Don’t rest until you’ve reconnected.
Because you need Him. You’re exposed. You’re like a sheep without a shepherd. Your conscience isn’t as dependable as the Holy Spirit . . . you’ll lie to yourself and get away with it . . . I mean in a heartbeat! When you lie to God, you know it almost instantly because the Holy Spirit brings it to your heart’s attention. You’re up against a stone wall . . . a holy wall of God’s Truth. If you’ve ever experienced His presence . . . His warm comfort, His love and affection, you feel lost without it. Go seek Him with your whole heart. Examine yourself, confess, repent, straighten things out, ask Him for help, and pray, pray, pray! You and I don’t function well in this world without Him active and alive in us and our influence with others is weak and worldly at best. We need our best Friend . . . our faithful Father . . . our “strength in times of trouble” . . . our Rock and our Redeemer.
And how do I keep from losing Jesus next time? Fall more in love with Him. Make Him so preeminent in your life that you can’t forget about Him. Ever. And “partner up” with another Jesus-follower who wants to do the same. Stay close to Him and stay in each other’s lives. Old African saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”