Widow's Oil, Part 6

She went and told the man of God, and he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left." 2 Kings 4:7 NIV

You know what I find interesting about this story’s ending: Elisha wasn’t waiting around to find out what happened. He didn’t stand on the doorstep of her house, asking every few minutes, “Has God done anything yet?” He didn’t keep his fingers crossed, anxiously sweating over what God had told them to do. Evidently, he went on to other ministry. The widow “went and told the man of God.” He wasn’t standing there waiting for the outcome! He knew God would come through! He always does!

When I give someone spiritual advice, and I know they are trusting in God for the outcome, I am certain that He will come through. I don’t find myself worrying over their problems. But give me a problem of my own and I can assure that you sleepless nights are sure to come!

Why is that? Is God a god who changes His mind? Does He sometimes perform good for His people and then sometimes not? Does He leave His people unattended at times? Does He forget about our problems and leave us on our own to defend for ourselves? Does He ever leave us or forsake us?

You know the answer! If you have been a Christian for very long at all, then you have even experienced the answer! God is good....all the time! And all the time, God is good! He isn’t a “sometimes good god”. He’s the Real Thing! He’s the Full Deal! He’s a Winner every time!

Are you struggling through something that seems bigger than you are? Why not trust the Living God? He helped the widow, and He’ll help you and me if we will only trust Him and obey! Go get some jars....and not just a few!

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