Will You Give Me Grace?

She’s three years old and cute as a button! But today, her disobedience had landed her in a “time-out.” As I entered the room, my little friend was slumped in her chair looking hopeless and defeated. Her dark eyes met mine and she hesitantly whispered, “Will you give me grace?”

These are pretty profound words from such a young child; I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or cry. I later discovered in talking with her mother that my little friend understood precisely what had brought her to this place; in fact, it wasn’t the first time this had happened. She also clearly knew the proper terminology in seeking help. Yet even in the presence of her “Teta Carrie” (who was so eager to rescue her), she expressed such little hope of ever finding release.

What a clear picture of the way we often approach our Heavenly Father who longs to help us in our time of need!

Like my little friend, we may recognize what has brought us to this place. We may realize how desperately we need God’s help. But we hesitate; perhaps even questioning the response we’ll receive from our Abba Father.  

The writer of Hebrews provides a stark contrast to my little friend’s approach.

"Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).

We don’t need to come hesitantly. We don’t need to wonder what response we’ll receive. Because of Christ, we are assured of receiving His grace in our time of need—assured of it! You see, God’s grace not only saves us from our sin but it also provides everything we need for today:

“There’s not one single aspect of the Christian life that we can handle apart from God’s grace!” Nancy Leigh DeMoss, in Seeking Him.

Where do you need grace today? Do you find yourself back in the same place . . . wondering if you’ll ever have victory in a particular area? Are you wearied from the daily struggles of life?  Do you feel like you need to “get it all together” before coming to the Father? Do you find yourself hesitantly and timidly asking for grace?

Hesitate no longer! Come boldly into the throne room—Your Heavenly Father is waiting there for you. Ladies. Remember that His grace is much greater than even your deepest need.

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