Wise Parents

People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. (Mark 10:13 NIV)

If you are a parent, you most likely want the best for your children, don’t you? You want them to have the right education, a good job, and a happy family. You want them to have friends who will encourage them. You want them to enjoy life and to have health and peace. I want no less for my two boys.

As I read this verse, however, in the Book of Mark, I was reminded what I want most for my children. It’s the same thing these parents wanted for theirs. I want them to know Jesus!

When national tragedies occur, I think it reminds us of what is important in life. I remember September 11 vividly, not just because of the news, but the way it made me feel. I couldn’t wait for my whole family to be gathered together that evening; to know everyone was okay. When we are forced to face the frailty of life, I think it reminds us even more of our need for an eternal Savior. We want our family to be secure in the love of Christ.

Two thousand years ago, parents were not much different than today. Parents want what is best for their children. May I ask you, have you shared Jesus with the ones you love the most? Do they know of His mercy and His grace? Are they prepared to meet Him one day?

Wise parents (and other relatives and friends) introduce their children (or loved ones) to Jesus. Have you?

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