Women in Leadership

Why do we disqualify some of our best leaders because of their marital status and/or motherhood? Surely being a good wife and mother is evidence of good character if not some leadership essentials. The real question is... why on earth would we ever limit ANYONE with leadership gifts when the Kingdom needs desperately to keep advancing?

Frankly, I’m getting tired of simply asking the questions – it’s time for some action. Here’s some ideas:

1. If you have a gift – get it ready and start using it – cultivate it, shape it – challenge yourself (VOLUNTEER).

2. If you don’t know your gift... find some people who will speak into your life and help you discover the place you should serve.

3. If you’ve been limited by the ‘system’ – get back up and start leading the kingdom to advance in whatever capacity you have to do so… just keep on… get people saved, discipled – lead from wherever you are..

4. Challenge the status quo – refuse to accept mediocrity…

5. If you are a man in leadership – actively look for able women who have leadership gifts and LET THEM LEAD.. figure it out.. cheers to those of you who have been doing this already!

Those are just a few ideas- and I’m simply thinking out loud… but God help us figure it out soon...for His Kingdom come!

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