Word of God, Life to Me

One year for my pastoral anniversary at Brentwood Baptist Church, the choir sang “Word of God, Life to Me.” The song, written by my friends Rick Domenico, Mike Harland, David Hamilton, Shelly E. Johnson and Karla Worley. To be honest, when they sang it I was so blown away that I really didn't hear the words. Here they are and yes, the song is beautiful. I am so humbled my friends would honor me this way.

Word of God, Life to Me

A sower goes
He sows a seed.
And no one knows
Where it may lead.
But day by day,
On stone and sod
It’s fed and watered by the hand of God.

Some seed may fall
Among the thorns.
But some grows tall and life is born.
And so it is with the Word you speak:
You are the sower and His Word  the seed.

Word of God, Life to me
I have heard and I believe
So let me live
And let me sow the seed,
Word of God, Life to me.

The seed still grows in hearts like mine,
Brings forth its fruit in God’s own time –
This field of souls
This hallowed ground,
A mighty harvest for the Lord’s renown.

Speak the Word and never tire –
Words of hope, words of fire
That break our chains
And set us free
Oh, keep on speaking truth and life to me!

Word of God, Life to me
I have heard and I believe
So let me live
And let me sow the seed,
Word of God, Life to me.

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