Words Come Alive

God is a God of words. Through His words, creation and man came into being. His Words became law and the reason for being. He inspired writers to document the Bible in complete unity and harmony without collaboration considering the gap and disparity of times.

His Words will stand the test of time and endure forever. The Word is Jesus Himself becoming alive in us.  That is why when we read, meditate, and partake of the Scriptures, life is imparted to us. Jesus Himself gives life to our being and all aspects of our lives.

With this foundation, we can say that the Bible must be an important part of our lives. Reading it is not enough, however. Studying and living according to it is essential.

The Scriptures are perfect and infallible. God and His Word cannot be separated. God will never contradict His Word. God’s perfect will is aligned with His Word.

If we want to know God’s perfect will and destiny for our lives, we ought to study the Bible. The best way to study the Bible for newbies is through reading and declaring with our mouths the passages, then meditating on each Word, interacting with them, examining, studying, and applying them to our daily lives.

We can begin with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of the New Testament to know Jesus intimately. Jesus is the exact embodiment (God in flesh). He is the Son of God sent by the Father to die on the Cross and pay the penalty for our sins —past, present, and future.

When we know how to worry, we are good on meditating but not in the positive sense of the word. Meditation on the Scriptures is also different from eastern mysticism meditation. Bible meditation means digesting, devouring, and absorbing the Scriptures like a cow chewing its cud. We ask God some questions and we examine our lives vis-à-vis the Scriptures. At times, we need to confess our sins as God brings conviction (not condemnation) and other times we need to thank God for His wonderful deeds—giving praise  and giving testimony of answered prayers.

It will be helpful to journal as we study the Bible each day. There is no exact rule to journaling, but the important thing is to document what God speaks to us as we meditate on His Word.

The Word can renew our minds towards the truth of who God is and who we are in Him. The Word can heal diseases and set people free from all bondages. The Word can rebuke, correct, train in righteousness, remind, and equip us for ministry.

Above all, the Word can bring us salvation for our souls from sin, sickness, death, and hell. The Word brings life, light, and love. It draws us to God Himself for an intimate relationship with Him.

If we press on to know God and His Word and establish a deep, personal relationship with Him, then God assures that we will find what we have been longing for so long. . . Him.

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