Work Brings Satisfaction

If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10, NKJV).

Are you afraid of hard work? Often we tend to quit a job before it is finished because the job is too hard or we lose interest or we receive a better offer somewhere else. The Creator has built into each of us the capacity for tremendous satisfaction in work that is not only finished but well done. If we quit before we are finished, we miss out on the satisfaction that comes with completion.

Sometimes we think of not having to work as a luxury reserved for the lifestyles of the rich and famous. It is actually a deprivation! One reason unemployment is so devastating is because when a person is out of work, that person is outside the Creator’s design for living and therefore denied the satisfaction that comes from working and from completing a job.

What are you waiting for? Get to work and finish the job!


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