Worship Wonders

When you hear the word worship, what do you think of?

Do you imagine a church packed full of people singing praise songs? What about sitting in silence? Or eating right?

All of these things (and more!) can be worship. Worship is a time when you focus on God and choose to do things that honor (respect) Him.

Worship isn’t limited to the things listed above. It’s a time meant for just you and God. What makes you feel closest to God? Think about that, and use it as your worship this month.

If you aren’t sure what other ways you can worship, here are a few suggestions!

Quiet time: God tells you to be still. When you are still, quiet, and think only about God, you can hear His voice. You might not physically hear Him whisper in your ear, but He is there. When you stop what you are doing and set aside time for just you and Jesus, you are worshiping Him. When you are building relationships with your friends, you spend time together. So, when you are building a relationship with God, you need to spend time with just Him. Be still.

Say His name: Do you like it when other people call you by name? God likes it when we call Him by name, too! He has so many different names that help you learn about Him. Next time you spend quiet time with Him, say His names out loud or write them in your journal (Check out Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8, Matthew 1:23, John 10:11, or 1 Timothy 6:15 for a few ideas!).

Smart Choices: Your body is a gift from God. He made every tiny cell in your body. But even though He gave you your body, it is His temple – He lives in you and you are His masterpiece. He wants you to take the best care of your body by exercising, eating fruits and vegetables, and getting enough sleep. When you do these things with the intent of keeping your temple holy, you are worshiping God.

Celebrate!: When you get excited at a baseball game, a concert, or a play you might clap your hands or cheer. These are two ways you can express your excitement, happiness, and thankfulness. But how come we don’t use these things to celebrate Jesus and what He did for us? Try this next time you are worshiping! Clap along to a song, jump up and down, and get excited! God saved you!

Active for the King: The church is the place you attend on Sundays, but God doesn’t live there – He lives in you and the world around you! Spend time in your community helping your neighbors weed their gardens, take out their trash, or collecting food items for a local pantry. God loves you and the people around you. When you help them, you are worshiping God. How will you worship God in your community?

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