Let all creation bless the Name of the Lord our God! I bless You, Lord.
Psalms 134:1-135:21
Do you live in order that God might be blessed?
What do we really mean when we say that God is "worthy of our praise"? If we're not careful, this can become hollow Christian jargon, a familiar chorus lyric that we might not have taken the time to properly think through.
These two psalms--worship songs of a different kind--call us to worship the God who is worth praising, whose incredible acts and extraordinary character are deserving of our worship. He's the God who: created the heavens and the earth (134:3); is greater than all other "gods" (135:5); controls our environment (135:7); defeats the enemies of his people (135:10); and endures forever (135:13).
Because of who God is, and what he has done, he deserves our praise and worship. Sometimes it can be easy to forget this when we come to worship; we can be guilty of evaluating God based on his recent intervention (or lack of it) in our own lives. The truth is that--as the song goes--whether we're found in the desert place or among streams of abundance, we should bless his name, because his name is worth blessing ("Blessed Be Your Name," Matt and Beth Redman).
Write your own short psalm, song or poem of praise to God, recognizing who he is and what he has done.
Faithful God, You are worthy of lives that are given to praise You!