Writing Letters to Your Future Husband

I’ve always been so enamored by the fact that my future husband (if it’s God’s will for me to get married) is living and breathing right now. He is somewhere in this world at this very moment. How crazy is that?

Picturing my future husband as a real, living person (and not just an imaginary human) really hit me around the age of fourteen. During this time, God began to convict me in the area of purity and gave me a strong desire to want to honor my future husband.

I began praying through convictions and decided to commit to several things:

1. To save sex for marriage.

2. To save my first kiss for my wedding day.

3. To pray for my future husband.

4. To write letters to my future husband.

Today I want to focus entirely on commitment number four. This habit has been a huge encouragement to me, and I think it could be for you as well.

Knowing Your Target

In life we often set goals. We have a target we focus on. That keeps us heading in the right direction. As Christians, the Bible is our ultimate bullseye. We should constantly be focusing on it, studying it, and striving to live it out.

The more we focus on God’s Word the clearer our purpose and goal becomes.

In addition to aiming to know and live God’s Word, writing letters to my future husband has been a target of sorts in my own life. Here’s why:

-- Writing letters reminds me that I want to save myself for one man alone, not many men.

-- Writing letters helps me focus on my future husband and inspires me to live in a pure, honoring, and Christ-glorifying way.

-- Writing letters reminds me not to settle when life gets hard.

-- Writing letters helps me to take my relationship with God seriously and to grow in my character so that I can be a Proverbs 31:10 kind of woman: “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.”

Not to mention the letters will make a sweet and beautiful wedding gift from me to him.

Having just turned twenty-eight, that’s over fourteen years of letters and counting! Here are five lessons I’ve learned along the way.

1. Find a special box or container and keep all your letters inside of it.

This will be an easy way for you to keep track of the letters and will be a wonderful way to gift them to your future husband one day.

2. Keep your letters focused on your spiritual walk.

Don’t turn these letters into fantasies or romance novels. Keep your heart pure and God at the center of your writing.

3. Include Scripture and prayers.

That will bless you now and bless him when he finally gets to read them.

4. Keep in mind that prayer is a powerful weapon.

Your future husband could very well be blessed by your prayers in ways you may never know on this side of eternity.

5. Don’t hesitate to share about your life and current happenings.

Just imagine how cool it will be to one day open the letters and read about your life before him.

Remember While You Wait

This habit may not be for everyone. Some of you may struggle to not obsess over guys, and this may be a temptation for you to focus where you should not. In that case, develop a practice of writing letters to God, asking Him to shape you to be more like Him—not in preparation to be a bride, but in preparation to be His Bride (Isaiah 62:5). Whether you ever write a letter to your future husband or not, here are a few important things to keep in mind:

-- Strive to honor God and your future husband in your current guy friendships and relationships.

-- Remember that your future husband (if it’s God’s will for you to get married) is a real, living man, not a figment of your imagination.

Work hard on your character and develop a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus.

Prepare well and strive to become a hardworking Proverbs 31 woman.

Develop a lifestyle of prayer that you can bring into your future marriage.

By Bethany Baird

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