X-Ray Power


Precious Savior, bring Your light that I may walk with a pure heart before You.


Matthew 9:1-8


How does Jesus demonstrate authority over the unseen?

It must have been unnerving being around Jesus. He saw through external appearances, into minds and hearts. Look how he gauged the friends' faith (2), plumbed the silent guilt of the paralyzed man (2), and penetrated the judgmental thoughts of his critics (4).

Not only does Jesus see what we choose to hide from the rest of the world--our sin--but he also claimed the power and authority to deal with it (2,6). No wonder the Jewish leaders were shocked (3). Only God can forgive sin. Jesus backed up his claim by referring to himself as "Son of Man," a quote from Daniel 7:13,14, where God gives his authority, glory and sovereign power to "one like a son of man."

Jesus demonstrated his authority to forgive and mend what is unseen (the man's sin) by restoring what was seen (the man's ability to walk). Isn't that true of us, too? As the Lord deals with the sin inside, the evidence of the unseen spiritual miracle is shown in transformed lives--destructive habits are broken, changed attitudes and behavior are marked by love and selflessness.


Let your life reflect the unseen reality of God's forgiveness in you, in your silent attitudes, your words and your actions.


Father of light, thank You that You sent Your Son, Jesus, and that You have made a way for all my sins to be forgiven.

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