YOU Are a Giver

And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 2:18

In the very beginning, God in his perfect wisdom knew Adam would not be his best if he remained alone. God realized man would never be complete until there were two who were able to give themselves to each other, and share in their destinies together. Then the first thing He says is, “Go and create more!” And so it goes with YOU. You cannot be YOU without being involved with people, giving of yourself to people, and sharing your destiny with people.

It is only in giving of yourself: your heart, your gifts and your talents, that you even can discover who YOU really are. Your giving defines who you are, and causes you to be YOU. Think about it. The funny guy is not funny at all until he gives his jokes and humor away. Before that, he’s just as serious-minded as the next guy. A kind person isn’t kind at all, until she offers a kindness to another. Before that, she’s just as closed off as the next lady. A generous person isn’t thought of as being generous until he actually gives gifts to someone else. Just thinking about who YOU are doesn’t mean a thing…until you offer YOU to someone else. Now all of a sudden you are impacting the world around you, just by you BEING you!

This is why it’s such a tragedy when a person says, “If I had more to give, I’d give it away.” Or, “Once I have it all together, I’ll start giving.” But they’ve got it all wrong! This line of thinking is robbing them from becoming who God has made them to be. It stops the flow of blessing in their lives; the blessing of giving, and the blessing of receiving.

YOU are blessing TODAY. I know I’ve said this before, but let me repeat myself: You, right now, is enough! Don’t wait to be “more” to give yourself away…the “more” you long for is only received as you bless others with the blessing of YOU.


You have something to give. Don’t wait until you feel you’re “good enough” to offer it to someone else. TODAY reach out and be a blessing in the life of another. You’ll discover yourself in the blessing!


Father, I believe You have created me to be a blessing to others. Thank You that You have filled me with the fullness of You so that I have more than enough on the inside to give out to all those around me!

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