You Are A Light Bearer

Many of us have experienced moments where God spoke to us through someone else. Or maybe you were that person speaking into another’s life. Either way, we long to know God’s counsel and work with Him, which means connecting with the Holy Spirit through prayer and allowing Him to open our eyes to those around us.

Being in tune with what God is doing is not something exclusive for the elite. You and I were created to be a light to those around us—not to point out the darkness that blinds us from the truth.

God is light and where there is light, there is vision. Where there is vision, there is hope and recovery of sight. Where there is sight, there is revelation. With a revelation of how God does things, we will learn to live in sync with Him.

He’ll show us the way He works so we can live the way we’re made.
Isaiah 2:3 MSG

So where do we begin to work with God and help the world around us? Here are a few starting directives:

Look up—Do you want answers from the perspective of earth or heaven? Jesus stripped himself and became like us so we could strip ourselves and become like Him… so look up. Once we have glimpsed heaven’s perspective, we begin to see ourselves, our surroundings, and the inhabitants of earth through a different or more enlightened set of eyes.

Look around— Are you heartbroken by what you see? We cannot help our world if we close our eyes and ears and hide from the pain that is around us. Pray earnestly for the injustice and sin throughout the world. It is time for the children of light to come out of hiding.

Look well—When we reveal our light, we are able to expose areas of darkness. We can bring health and hope to what is unwell in our world.

Look ahead—When we are in tune with the Holy Spirit, He gives us farsighted vision which gives us a strategic capacity to predict what is ahead. This is such a powerful tool in prayer!

Tell the truth—We are called to not only speak the Word of God, but to live it out as an example to the world around us.

My prayer for you this week is Ephesians 1:17-18:

…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may
give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of
Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you
may know what is the hope of His calling. NKJV

Let’s be included in what our God is doing around us. I believe that we will be light bearers who bring His vast wonder to this world!



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