Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed. Proverbs 16:3 (AMP)
Everybody is looking for success. If you Googled “how to find success” right now, 1.6 billion results would pop up in 0.24 seconds. Thousands of books have been written on the topic and even more YouTube videos have been created; all of them promise a level of success if you follow their advice. But what is success? And how can we truly measure it? Is there even a way to measure success?
As with everything in life, we must look to the Bible to find answers to these questions. It’s interesting that nowhere in the scriptures does God offer an exact picture of what “success” looks like. No particular level of achievement. No bull’s eye salary. No detailed checklist for us to complete. He simply says to roll every aspect of our lives upon Him, to trust wholly in Him, and then our plans will be established and succeed. The end.
What if success was simply when your life is fully engaged with God, completely trusting in Him for your every need? What if your level of success was only judged upon your ability to be free to be the YOU He created? Because when you are living each day as an authentic expression of the YOU He planned before the foundation of the earth, you will be filled with an unmistakable sense of fulfillment and tranquility.
So much of our stress is a result of our striving to achieve tangible markers of success in every area of our lives. Instead, let’s use that energy to draw closer to God, to trust in Him, and to allow Him to help us feel good about WHO we are becoming in Christ. When we are at peace with God and with ourselves, we will sense a deeper level of success than the world can ever give…or ever take away.
How do you measure success? Is it merely by your outward achievements or do you factor in the successes of your character, your service to others, or your relationship with Jesus? Today, meditate on the areas where you’ve experienced God’s success in your life. Allow Him to encourage you to be the YOU He created.
Father, I believe You have laid forth a life of success for me: success in my soul, my mind, my body, my relationships, and my career. Help me to view success the way You view it. Help me to value the things You value. I trust in You completely and know You will cause me to find the deep sense of fulfillment and peace that can only come from You.