YOU are Called, Part 1

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1

What does it mean to be ‘called’? To be the YOU God called you to be, you must first understand that God places the significance and value on YOU, not your job or your ministry or your achievements. YOU are extremely precious to God and He has called you first and foremost to be adopted into His family. He loves you dearly, and infinitely more than any earthly father could love his children. You cannot become more ‘called’ than that.

You are not called to be a position, you are called to be a child of God, and out of THAT calling, your life springs forth. It’s not what you DO that’s important; it’s WHO you are. And this is the whole message of BE YOU…you embracing the true YOU, not you doing things to try and become the YOU you think you need to be.

Of course in our culture, even in the church world, there is a manmade perspective that creates a hierarchy of certain callings being more important or more valuable to God than another. But that’s not God’s perspective at all. There is no typecast; there is no calling that is higher or one that is lower. There is no job or position that is ‘more’ of God than another. In fact, God even said that if you so much as give a drink of water to a prophet, you will receive that prophet’s reward. To God, the calling of the prophet is the same as the person who is called to serve and supply provision for that prophet. The rewards are the same!

When you are living to love God with all your heart, you are in your calling. When you are on a passionate pursuit to know Jesus and become like Him, you are in your calling. When you are fully embracing the YOU God designed you to be, you are in your calling. Never underestimate that. Never devalue that. Remember, YOU are enough; right here, right now! And God is proud of YOU!


Meditate today on the promise that YOU have been specifically chosen by God to be His precious child. He loves you outrageously and cannot possibly love you any more than He does right now. You don’t have to earn His love; you simply need to believe and receive it.


Father, I believe that You love me, that You chose me, and that You called me to be an important part of Your family. Help me to embrace Your love in a deeper way today. Help me to believe it so that I can be used by You to share Your love with others.

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