But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
So many people hear the word “calling” and think, I’m not called because I’m not in the ministry. Guess what? You are called because you are in the ministry! Granted, your ministry might be as a teacher in a high school, as a businessperson in the marketplace, or as a soldier fighting for our nation. Your ministry is as a spouse, as a parent, as a grandparent, as a friend, and well…basically as a person interfacing with the human race! In other words, wherever you are, that’s where your ministry is!
You were chosen to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own special people. And out of that calling comes your ministry: to be a voice of praise for the God who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light! You have been called so that you can now walk with God and share the message of Jesus through your example on this earth. Every time you touch the life of another, you are ministering within your individual calling.
God saved YOU for this time in history. You could have been born anytime at any place, but you are here and now. You are a part of His Church and a part of His story. You are a very special person in His special plan. You are called, and you are chosen. Live today with the outrageous confidence in the YOU God has called you to be. Whatever your season in life, whatever your job, whatever you influence, live strong and be bold to proclaim the praises of your God. THIS IS YOUR CALLING!
Own your calling today. Look around you and recognize the people God has placed within your sphere of influence. How can you reach out to them today and share the message of Christ? It might be in a smile, an encouraging word, an invitation to church, or an offer to pray for them. Be bold and very courageous knowing your God has gone before you to minister to those around you.
Father, I believe You have saved me for a time such as this. Thank You for equipping me and preparing me for my calling today. Help me today to discern Your voice as You lead and guide me in my ministry and as I influence the people You have placed in my sphere. Thank You for calling me to such a wonderful life.