Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm. Daniel 6:3
This concept of becoming excellent is so important; one devotional on this topic is not enough. Because to be YOU, the authentic YOU God created, you must begin to see yourself correctly and to believe you really can live every area of your life in an excellent way. Remember, being excellent does not mean being flawless. No one on earth can be that. But everyone can learn to be excellent. Daniel was a man who sought to have an attitude of excellence in everything he did, and eventually, he was put into a position of great authority because of it!
Here’s the great news: no matter where you are in life, YOU can be excellent right now. You don’t have to wait until you’ve matured to a certain degree or your circumstances have reached a certain level of success. You can choose to be excellent TODAY. And even greater news…your level of excellence can only be compared to YOU. It’s doing your best today. It’s pushing your average today. God’s not asking you be “as good as” someone else, He’s only asking you to be as good as YOU can be today.
Knowing this takes such pressure off because when we hear teaching like this, we tend to disqualify ourselves thinking, “I’ll never hit that mark, so why even try?” But ‘that mark,’ or that measuring stick, is between you and God, not anyone else. He’s not asking you to be perfect, He’s just calling you to an excellent life. Talk to God and ask Him where you could take a step forward in excellence. Is it on your job? Is it how you speak to your spouse? Is it how you treat your kids? Is it letting go of negative addictions that are holding you back? Whatever it is, you can trust Him that He will give you the power and the desire to take a step forward in that area of life.
Choose to be excellent TODAY. Then do it again tomorrow. And the next day. Pretty soon, you will be walking through every day with an attitude of excellence.
In this prayer time, see yourself operating in a spirit of excellence in an area that normally pulls you down. Believe you have what it takes to overcome.
Father, I believe You have made me to be an excellent person and that I can walk in every area of my life in an excellent way. Thank You that today You are giving me Your power and strength to step forward in those areas I have been weak in.