YOU Are Found in Jesus

Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. John 15:4 (NLT)

Have you ever hung around someone who made you a better you? Even by just being around their positivity for a little while, you find yourself thinking up, speaking up, dreaming up. You feel like the best YOU.

And then there’s the friend that isn’t quite like this. When you are around them, even for a few moments, you find yourself saying things you know you shouldn’t, doing things you wish you wouldn’t, and taking on funky attitudes that get you nowhere fast.

Jesus knew we would be greatly influenced by the people we spend the most time with, which is why He invites us to remain in Him constantly. Just as a branch can only flourish if it is joined to the vine, you can only be the best YOU when you make a conscious effort daily to abide in Christ. This simply means to be aware of His presence and His power working in your life. It means to trust in His wisdom and provision for all your concerns and needs. It means to spend moments every day meditating on His Word and His promises.

If we hang around the spirit of this world, we will live down, discouraged, and depressed. But if we will abide in Christ, hang with Jesus, His Spirit will lift ours up and we will have the ability to keep our attitudes positive and full of hope…no matter what comes our way.

Walk with Jesus today. Be aware of His presence in your life. Tune into His Spirit and attitude so you can be strengthened on the inside throughout this day.


Is there an issue or an area of your life that is troubling you? Talk to Jesus about it today. Find some quiet time to rest in His presence and He will speak to your heart. Believe His promises about that issue, and peace will guard your heart and mind.


Jesus, I believe You are with me always. I believe I can abide in Your presence throughout this day, and draw on the power of Your Spirit that lives on the inside of me. Thank You for Your unending love and friendship.

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