You Are God’s Letter

“It’s clear that you are Christ’s letter, written as a result of our ministry. You are a letter written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, a letter written not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. By ourselves we are not qualified in any way to claim that we can do anything. Rather, God makes us qualified” (2 Corinthians 3:3,5).

Texts are fun, e-mails are fun, but every single person still loves getting a handwritten letter in the mail. A letter is a personal note from the author to the reader.

You are God’s personal letter to the world. With the Holy Spirit inside of you, you walk around this world, letting people read you. They see what it looks like to be a believer in Jesus—how it changes your words, your actions, your attitude. It changes your entire life.

Yikes! Does that make you a little nervous? I mean, really, people will be watching you. Are you up for the job? Nope. Well, not by your own power. But with God, you absolutely are ready.

Dear God, thank you for making me your letter. With the Holy Spirit inside of me, I walk around letting people know what it’s like to be a member of your family. Help me communicate clearly how awesome it is to be your child. Amen.

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