You Are Healed

By His stripes we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

When God created YOU, He created your body, mind and soul to live in perfect harmony forever. In that original plan there was no sickness, no disease, no fear, no depression, no decay. Mankind was to be one with the living God, united, and therefore no disease could be present. Then Adam allowed sin to enter into the world, and all this changed.

There is so much that could be said about this, but for this devotional, let me stress this point: It was never God’s plan for you to be sick in any way. It couldn’t be, because God is only light, life, and love. He couldn’t create sickness, even if He wanted to! Everything He touches gets healed and restored…and we saw this throughout the ministry of Jesus’ earth walk. Everywhere Jesus traveled, He went about healing all people of every kind of sickness and disease.

Jesus came to live, to die, and to be resurrected so that YOU could be saved, healed, and restored. This was God’s will for mankind when He created us, it was His will throughout the generations we read about in the Bible, and it is still His will for you and me today. Healing was, is, and will be His will forever…Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

YOU can believe for healing in your body, soul and mind. Whatever healing you need, you can rest assured that it is God’s desire for you to be free and to live your life whole. Granted, there are times we must hold on to that healing by faith, and seasons when we must seek to find answers in the natural. But even in that, YOU—the you that is saved and united with Jesus—are healed. It might take some time for your body to align itself with that truth; nevertheless, it doesn’t make that truth any less true. If you are believing for healing, hold on to God’s promise and don’t let go. God loves you dearly, and wants you to experience the fullness of healing in every part of your life.


If you need healing today, meditate on the promises of God. Revive your faith daily as you speak those scriptures over your life. See yourself healed, and thank God for his gift of health. Ask others to pray in agreement with you. And then be patient.


Father, I believe You have healed my body, mind and soul. I speak Your healing in every part of my being, and I call myself ‘healed’! Even when I’m feeling pain and oppression, help me to hold on to the promises in Your Word. Help me to have peace in my heart, knowing You have already provided my healing.

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