“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:10 NIV).
In the 1920s, when people looked at a mountain in South Dakota, they saw, well, a mountain. Sculptor Gutzon Borglum, however, saw faces.
Using many courageous workers and lots of dynamite, he started blasting away and carving off everything that did not look like Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Jefferson.
Each year over three million people visit Mount Rushmore, and not a single one of them says, “Wow! Isn’t it amazing how that mountain sculpted itself?” Instead, they are astonished by the man who had the vision to see what wasn’t there.
You are God’s Mount Rushmore. He sees not just what you are—a mountain—but he makes you into what you will be. You are unique, handcrafted, and carved by him. He made you and has plans for you to bring him glory.
Just like the mountain can’t take credit for what it became, neither can you. You are God’s handiwork, his masterpiece. You couldn’t do that on your own. Now, when people tell you how awesome or helpful or intelligent or strong or thoughtful you are, you just say, “My Sculptor did all the work!”
Dear God, we know we are your handiwork. You created us to bring you glory. Help us do the good works that you want us to do. Amen.