You Are Hyper

Have you been feeling beaten up lately? Maybe literally? Sometimes kids get in actual fights and come out with real bumps and bruises. Or maybe you’re just tired from all the things you have going on: keeping up with tests at school, trying to make a sports team, trouble with friends, lack of money, going hungry, moving back and forth from dad’s house to mom’s house.

When you’re feeling run down, you need to be reminded of this: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37 NIV).

In Greek, the word for “more than” is hyper. You know what it means to be hyper, right? If someone tells you that you are hyper, it means you are extra-crazy or have extra energy. So when God tells you that you can overcome all the problems you have, he tells you that you won’t just eke out a win; you are going to hyper-conquer. You are going to extra-win. Jesus came to hyper-defeat death, and now your biggest worry is gone. That victory gives you the strength to face your temptations, worries, and fears. Through the strength of Jesus who loves you, you can do anything. You don’t have to cross your fingers and hope you might make it. Not one single physical problem, not one single trouble can stop God from loving you. You can—and will—hyper-conquer!

Dear Jesus, you’ve given me your victory and tell me that I am not just an almost-conqueror. I’m a hyper-conqueror. I am going to smoke everything this world throws at me, because nothing can stop you from loving me. That’s awesome. Thanks! Amen.


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