You Are Most Effective When . . .

Everyone with a heart for God wants to produce fruit for him. That desire is good, but it can also create a lot of stress if we keep striving to accomplish more. One of the greatest truths of God’s kingdom—and one of the most easily forgotten—is this:

You are most effective when you are at rest in him.

Think about that. Everything we accomplish that has any lasting value in God’s kingdom is accomplished from a place of rest. We don’t push forward. We lean back into his strength.

That doesn’t mean we make no effort. Kingdom fruit doesn’t come by simply sitting on the couch. But it does mean that (1) God initiates, and we follow his lead; and (2) our effort isn’t the source of the outcome. His power does everything; we simply cooperate with it. It’s like throwing ourselves like a kite into the wind. We have to position ourselves, but he takes it from there.

Never forget Jesus’ words: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 niv)

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