You Can Lack Nothing

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4

Wow! What a promise to think that we can be perfect and complete, lacking nothing’! We’d all love for that to come to pass in our lives, right? The only problem is the first verse of this scripture…the falling into various tests and trials part. Don’t you wish you could become ‘perfect and complete’ without all the hardships? But the truth is, for you to BE YOU, and to discover the YOU God created you to be, it’s going to take some effort and some serious patience.

Life is hard, and there are tests and trials to be faced. There’s just no way around this fact. We live in a world that is cursed, and there will always be resistance because you have an enemy who is opposing your progress to be the authentic YOU. If you have the erroneous belief that life should be easy for you, or that if you’re a Christian life will get easy for you, you’ll always be coming from the wrong premise. And you’ll always be frustrated, wondering why the world is attacking you.

BUT, if you will count it joy, knowing that there is purpose to the trials, suddenly your entire perspective changes. Instead of having a victim mentality that says, “Why is this happening to me??” you can rise up on the inside with a victor’s mentality that says, “Bring it on, devil! This test is only going to make me stronger and better than before!” Instead of feeling defeat, you will sense the endurance and strength that comes from that spiritual force of joy.

You cannot control some of the tests that come your way, but you can control your attitude. And when you count it joy, you can overcome, and pretty soon you’ll find you are on your way to being perfect and complete, lacking nothing!


Today, make an effort to keep this scripture rolling around in your mind. Believe that God will use every circumstance, whether bad or good, to develop you into who He designed you to be. And when a trial comes, attack it with a victor’s mentality!


Father, I believe You have given me the patience and endurance to face any test or trial that comes my way. While You don’t cause bad things to happen, You certainly can use them to make me stronger. Thank You for Your power working in me today.

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