Never in the history of the Olympics has the skier who won the gold walked off the podium and given the medal to a person who crashed halfway down the hill. We’d be stunned if it happened. I mean, really, who would be crazy enough to do that, to give someone else his or her medal?
Jesus would, that’s who. God knew we had crashed and didn’t even stand a chance at winning a medal, which is getting to heaven. So he sent Jesus to race the course for us. Jesus came, was tempted like we are, and lived a perfect life. Then he took your sins on a cross and died, burying them with him. When he rose, he defeated Satan.
Jesus hands you the gold medal and says, “I know you crashed, but here you go, take my medal. Heaven is waiting for you.”
Aren’t you stunned that you get to say, “Thank God that he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57)?
Dear Jesus, thank you so much for skiing my race for me. You set the world record, and even though I crashed, you gave me your gold medal. Thank you, God, for giving me the victory. Amen.