And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Romans 8:28-29
Every person is called according to God’s purpose. Yes, that means YOU! God has called you to a destiny and a life that He planned for you. This doesn’t mean that He is controlling it; rather, God knows your gifts, your desires, your capacity, and based on this, He designed the perfect destiny just for YOU. This includes your marriage, family, career, ministry, friends and influences.
In addition, when you are walking in that purpose, loving God and serving God, all things work together for your good! What an incredible promise! No matter what hardships or negative circumstances come our way, we can rest assured that God is working on our behalf to bring good things out of any type of adversity.
What specifically is God’s purpose for your life? It’s right up there in the scripture. His purpose for your life is to be conformed to the image of His Son. Because this is the real YOU. This is the best YOU. And this is the YOU that you deeply desire to be.
You become conformed to His image as you pray and read the Word, and as you meditate on God’s promises. As you grow each day, becoming more and more like Jesus, your fears will melt away, your worries and anxieties will decrease, the emotional pains from failure and loss will begin to dissolve, and you will experience the true soul prosperity God desires for you to have.
You have a purpose. It’s to be like Jesus. It’s to BE YOU!
Be conscious today to be act like Jesus. Meditate on a Jesus quote and begin to renew your mind to the mind of Christ. Relax and rest assured that as God’s Word is working in you, you are becoming more like Him.
Father, I believe You have predestined me to be able to become more like Jesus every day. Holy Spirit, help me to have the mind of Christ and to walk today as Jesus walked. Help me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around me.