YOU Have the Strength of Joy

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Today you get two scriptures, so you know this devotional is double the power! The YOU God created is designed to operate in an indescribable strength called joy. Every Christian needs this inner power to walk with victory on this earth.

First, you must understand that the spiritual force of joy is completely different from feeling happy. Happiness is a feeling that you have when something good happens to you. Happiness is flighty and is completely dependent upon outward circumstances.

But joy is an entirely different kind of power. This force resides deep down on the inside of you and gives you unmistakable strength no matter what the outside circumstances are. It was Jesus’ joy that enabled Him to endure a torturous crucifixion, a separation from God, and three days in the pit of hell. Yes, He despised the shame, but His joy carried Him through to the victory until He was able to sit down at the right hand of God. And the best news of all is in John 15:11; Jesus promises us that He has given us His joy!

This means when you lose your job, or when the doctor gives the grim report, or when your teenager has walked away from God, or when you are walking through an intense season of emotional turmoil, you can still experience the strength of joy deep down on the inside. Sure, you might be despising the situation, but like Jesus did in His hardest trial, you can step out upon the strength of the joy of the Lord. No matter what you are facing today, there is joy available to YOU!


In what area of your life is there stress, fear, or anger? These emotions rob you of all your strength and cause you to feel weak and out of control. Instead, release those issues to God. Begin to draw on the strength of JOY that comes from God’s Spirit residing within you. Remember, joy isn’t happiness…it’s a spiritual force!


Father, I believe You have equipped me with the strength of joy. Help me today to trust in the promises of Your Word, so I can access that power of joy.

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